Every kick, every sprint, every victory, and defeat has woven the fabric of our story. It’s a tale of dedication, resilience, and unwavering belief in our collective strength.

As your coach, my heart swells with pride witnessing your growth, both as athletes and as individuals. But beyond the wins and losses, it’s the bonds we’ve forged that truly define us.
We are more than a team, we are a family united by our love for the game and our shared vision.



BBC History

Brigade Boys Club (BBC), founded in 1935, stands as a cornerstone of Nepalese football history. With a rich legacy spanning decades, BBC has passionately represented Nepal in numerous tournaments, fostering a dedicated fan base and contributing significantly to the nation’s football landscape.

BBC in Nepal

Brigade Boys Club (BBC) in Nepal has become a vital force for youth empowerment through football. Aspiring players find inspiration, training, and community engagement through BBC’s programs. The club’s legacy fosters pride and unity, serving as a platform for talented youth to shine and promoting values of teamwork and discipline.

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